There's a sustainable way to any destination.


In most Western countries, nowadays, on average only 1 out of 20 persons believes that we are heading towards a better future. This low number indicates that many world citizens are deeply concerned about the global challenges of the day - the biggest of which is arguably climate warming.

Most governments' reluctance towards implementing effective sustainability policies have contributed to a wide-spread tendency to consider the reduction of climate warming to be an "impossible challenge". If we consider something to be impossible, however, we are at risk of confirming a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Julen Sánchez therefore decided to prove that we can tackle our "impossible challenges" and that anything can be done in a sustainable way...


In order to prove his point, Julen decided to cover the distance between Europe and North America by using nothing but human-power - something that was considered to be impossible in the world of adventuring for a very long time.

On the 17th of June 2022, Julen successfully completed his remarkable and record-breaking expedition after covering 14.000km in 171 days by bicycle and ocean rowing boat. Thereby, he became the youngest person to row from Europe to North America and the youngest ever solo rower to cover over 5.000 nautical miles in open water.

After cycling further North across the Canadian border, Julen is currently preparing to continue his human-powered expedition across the continents of North and South America. Julen's goal is to show that we can always find sustainable ways to travel across the world or reach our goals.


Through zero-emission adventuring, Julen's intention is to show that really anything can be done in a sustainable way. Even if it means rowing across an ocean or cycling across entire continents, instead of buying a 200$ airplane ticket.

Julen's goal is not to make you passionate about extreme sports, however. He wants to inspire you to think of your own ways to live more sustainably and reduce our global carbon footprint, so that future generations can enjoy the best possible living conditions.

Currently, Zerow-Emission is working on a way to make a direct impact and increase the sustainable awareness of communities all over the globe.

More information will be published shortly...


Zerow-Emission Adventures was brought to life in 2020 by then-24-year-old Julen Sánchez. Julen is a true world citizen and has always had an intrinsic motivation to make a positive difference in the world. His passion for extreme sports and travelling have resulted in the idea to travel emission-free across the world by only using human-power.

Julen's first big adventure was the human-powered journey from Paris (France) to Pittsburgh (USA). In total, he rowed 9.200km across the Atlantic Ocean and cycled 4.800km through Europe and North America.

He is thereby using his record-breaking expeditions as a platform to advocate for the importance of establishing sustainable habits in the domains of transportation, energy generation, agriculture/nutrition as well as production and consumer behavior...

Media coverage of Julen's record breaking Atlantic Row from Portugal to USA

Sun Sentinel/Pier Review (June 9, 2022)

Lighthouse Point welcomes solo ocean rower [EN]

Next Pittsburgh (June 21, 2022)

Why one man travelled from Paris to Pittsburgh by bicycle and rowboat [EN]

Kölner-Stadt-Anzeiger (July 1, 2022)

Mit dem Ruderboot über den Atlantik [DE]

Explorers Web (May 11, 2022)

Ocean Rowing Roundup for May [EN]

WDR (November 30, 2021)

Ruderer aus Bergisch Gladbach will Atlantik überqueren [EN]

In-GL (January 6, 2022)

Von Paris nach Pittsburgh: Bergisch Gladbacher rudert für das Klima über den Atlantik [DE/EN/ES]

Zerow-Emission Atlantic Row - Facts & Figures

131 days, 9 hours & 30 minutes

Distance covered:
5041nm (9336km/5801 miles)

Number of oar strokes:
~ 2.500.000 strokes

Average pace:
1.6 knots

Fastest speed:
15.8 knots (surfing down a wave)

Most nm/day:
81nm (150km/93 miles)

via the Canary Islands & Bahamas

Marina de Portimao (Portugal)

Hillsboro Beach (United States)

Distance covered:
Number of oar strokes:
Average Pace:
Fastest Speed:
Most nm/day:

131 days, 9 hours & 30 minutes
5041 nautical miles (9336km/5801 miles)
~ 2.500.000 strokes
1.6 knots
15.8 knots 
(surfing down a wave)
81nm (150km/93 miles)
via the Canaries & Bahamas
Marina de Portimao (Portugal)
Hillsboro Beach (United States)

International Records:

Youngest Person to Solo Row 5.000nm on open water
Youngest Person to Row from mainland Europe to mainland North America

National Records:

First German to row the entire Atlantic (mainland to mainland)
Youngest Spanish & German to row across any ocean
Largest distance rowed on open water of any German/Spanish

Follow Zerow-Emission!

Stay up-to-date with Zerow-Emission’s latest updates and news via Facebook and Instagram.

Check Julen’s latest progress on his human-powered journey across continents and oceans.

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Support the Zerow-Emission Project!

In order to travel from Paris to Pittsburgh, Julen will have to row about 4.300 Nautical Miles (or 8.000 kilometers) to cross the Atlantic Ocean.

In fact, even getting to the start line in Portugal with a state-of-the-art ocean rowing boat and all technical equipment to be safe at sea is already a very big challenge in itself, with estimated costs between 80.000 and 90.000€.

While Julen will have to row every single mile by himself, you can support him in one of two different ways:


Zerow-Emission offers the opportunity for you to “symbolically jump on board” and help Julen row across the Atlantic by becoming his partner for a certain amount of Nautical Miles. By donating money to his fundraiser you will help Julen tremendously in financing the expedition and have the chance to have your name printed on the ocean rowing boat. The best part, however, is that, after the expedition, your contribution will be used to 100% to support sustainability charities and to make a difference for our planet.


If you are interested in supporting Julen and associating your brand to Zerow-Emission’s mission while simultaneously increasing your brand awareness in Europe and North America, you can become an exclusive partner of the Zerow-Emission Project. On top of being visible for persons around the globe through being featured on this website, the rowing boat, expedition clothing and social media, you will also have the opportunity to book Julen for free for events of your companies’ choice and many other things.

kilometers have so far been covered emission-free by rowing boat & bicycle.

Every Support-Mile counts!

Countries crossed:  7
Oceans crossed:  1

Even though Julen will row across the Atlantic solo and completely unsupported, he will not be able to succeed without your emotional and financial support. 

Therefore, Julen has created a fundraising campaign to which any contribution and message of support is highly appreciated. Not only will your donation help Julen cover the costs of this incredible expedition, it will also be used upon completion of the expedition to support a sustainability charity and therefore go a long way by making a direct contribution towards a more sustainable future. 

25 Support-Miles

  • On-Offer for Private Persons only
  • Your Personal / Family Name on the Boat (Small Size)
  • Chance of Winning One of the Bikes that will be used to Cycle through Europe and the United States
  • Julen will dedicate the Miles to you personally and give you a Shout-Out on Social Media
  • Personalized and Signed Picture of the Expedition upon Arrival
  • Opportunity to write Julen a personal/motivational message that he will read during the crossing
  • Special Discounts May Apply

50 Support-Miles

  • On-Offer for Private Persons only
  • Your Personal / Family Name on the Boat (Medium-Small Size)
  • Double-Chance of Winning One of the Bikes that will be used to Cycle through Europe and the United States
  • Julen will dedicate the Miles to you personally and give you a Shout-Out on Social Media
  • Personalized and Signed Picture of the Expedition upon Arrival
  • Opportunity to write Julen a personal/motivational message that he will read during the crossing
  • Receive a Special Gift from the Adventurer
  • Special Discounts May Apply

any Support-Miles

starting at 510
  • On-Offer for Private Persons & Companies
  • Your Personal or Company Name on the Boat (Medium Size)
  • More than Double-Chance of Winning One of the Bikes that will be used to Cycle through Europe and the United States
  • Julen will dedicate the Miles to you personally and give you a Shout-Out on Social Media
  • Personalized and Signed Picture of the Expedition upon Arrival
  • Opportunity to write Julen a personal/motivational message that he will read during the crossing
  • Receive a Special Gift from the Adventurer
  • Special Discounts May Apply

Become a Featured Partner of the Zerow-Emission Project!

In order to embark on this incredible adventure, Julen will have to cover the costs of purchasing a state-of-the-art ocean rowing boat, navigational equipment, communication equipment and emergency equipment. On top of that he will have to pay shipping fees, participate in sea-survival courses and obtain permissions to be able to attempt the row across the Atlantic Ocean.

While Julen has worked and saved up as much as he could for being able to realize his dream, he will not be able to cover the estimated costs of 80.000 to 90.000€ by himself.
Since the Zerow-Emission Project stands for the attempt to create a more sustainable planet by fostering international collaborations to achieve the Paris Climate goals, your company can use this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to contribute to this cause and increase their public perception of being a sustainable company by becoming an official partner of the Zerow-Emission Project.
As of the beginning of 2020, no person has ever rowed solo from mainland Europe to mainland North America, which is going to attract attention of both international media and public and offer a great opportunity for increasing your company’s name recognition. On top of that, the nature of the Project offers a unique chance for branding your company so that people will associate your services and products with the cause of counteracting the life-threatening effects of climate warming.

Bronze Partner

starting at 5.000
  • Your Company Name and Logo on either Side of the Boat (0.4m x 0.4m)
  • Be Showcased on the Zerow-Emission Website as a Bronze-Partner
  • Endorsement of your Company via Social Media Channels
  • Company Logo on 1 Piece of Expedition-Clothing
  • Lifetime-Access to Pre-Selected Videos and Pictures
  • Attendance at One Promotional Company Event (Pre-Expedition)
  • Availability for 1 Event with your Company (see Sponsorship Document below for list of applicable events)
  • Obtain Sponsorship Document

Silver Partner

starting at 10.000
  • Your Company Name and Logo on either Side of the Boat (0.7m x 0.7m)
  • Be Showcased on the Zerow-Emission Website as a Silver-Partner
  • Regular Endorsement of your Company and Products via Social Media Channels
  • Company Logo on 2 Pieces of Expedition-Clothing (highly visible)
  • Lifetime-Access to Pre-Selected Videos and Pictures
  • Attendance at One Promotional Company Event (Pre-Expedition)
  • Availability for up to 2 Events with your Company (see Sponsorship document below for list of applicable events)
  • Obtain Sponsorship Document

Gold Partner

starting at 20.000
  • Your Company Name and Logo on the Most Visible Part of the Boat (1.1m x 1.1m)
  • Be Showcased on the Zerow-Emission Website as a Gold-Partner
  • Extensive Endorsement of your Company and Products via Social Media Channels
  • Company Logo on 3 Pieces of Expedition-Clothing (most-visible)
  • Lifetime-Access to the Projects' entire Media Library
  • Attendance at various Promotional Company Events
  • Availability for up to 3 Events with your Company (see Sponsorship document below for list of applicable events)
  • Receive a Signed Pair of Ocean Rowing Oars (for your Office e.g.)
  • Obtain Sponsorship Document

Sponsor Julen's Expedition Food and leave a Message-in-a-Meal

In order to be able to embark on such an exciting adventure, Julen has had to come up with the funds to buy a state-of-the-art ocean rowing boat, buy a lot of high-tech equipment to be safe at sea, pay for trainers/coaches and weather experts and arrange for all logistics during a global pandemic. While Julen has two high-tech systems on board to desalinate sea water and convert it into drinking water, he will also have to take enough food for up to 120 days at sea.

Since Julen will row for up to 16 hours per day, his diet needs to be optimized to give him enough power to keep going for multiple months. Therefore, he will take special freeze-dried expedition meals with him, which consist of dehydrated pre-cooked meals that can be brought back to ‘normal’ condition by adding boiling water. These meals are very light-weight (important!) and high in calories and nutrients. Julen will eat 4 big meals each day + a number of energy bars, protein shakes and snacks to obtain a daily calorie intake of ~ 7000 kcal.

This is your chance to help Julen fix the last remaining puzzle piece to start his expedition – you can fund some of his meals and even leave him a message of support which he will find while eating and which can give him an important moral boost on a hard day! 

How it works? For example:

1 day of food (4 expedition meals)      =  32 €  –>  1 Message in a Meal
3 days of food (12 expedtion meals)    =  96 €  –>  up to 2 Messages in a Meal  +  Your Name on Julen’s Boat
5 days of food (20 expedition meals)   =  160 €  –>  up to 4 Messages in a Meal  +  Your Name on Julen’s Boat
10 days of food (40 expedition meals)  =  320 €  –>  up to 8 Messages in a Meal  + Name on Boat  +  Short Message from the Atlantic

* A message-in-a-meal can be anything that’s positive!
For example: a shared memory, a joke, an inspirational quote, a motivating personal letter etc.

If you want to sponsor Julen with some days worth of expedition-food:

> Send an e-mail to
& Say how many days worth of food you would like to sponsor
& Attach your message(s) as PDF- or WORD-file(s) (1 message should be no longer than 1 PDF/Word page)
& Choose between PayPal or Bank Transfer (Julen will send you the payment details)

Thank you for the support!!

Get in touch!